Judith Mayer

  • Born in 1978
  • Studied Latin American Studies, Islamic Studies, and Anthropology
  • Intercultural competence and extensive work experience in development cooperation
  • Three-year training as a shiatsu practitioner, recognized by the Gesellschaft für Shiatsu in Deutschland e.V., a professional body representing shiatsu practitioners
  • Supervision and additional shiatsu training:
    • Stress, Burnout and Life Crises (with Peter Itin, Berliner Schule für Zen Shiatsu)
    • Transforming the Body in Pain (with Britta Oßenbrüggen, Schule für Yoga und Shiatsu, Hamburg)
    • Shiatsu and Pregnancy: Starting a Family, Pregnancy and Shiatsu after Birth (with Stefan Butteweg, Schule Shiatsu zum Leben, Hamburg)
    • Shiatsu during Pregnancy and Birth (with Suzanne Yates, Berliner Schule für Zen Shiatsu)
    • Hara Awareness Massage (with Veronika Faulstich and Peter Schell)
  • Hot Stone Massage (with Iris Fischer)
  • 15 years of experience as a shiatsu practitioner
  • Two-year training as a practitioner of the Grinberg Method
  • Language skills: Fluent in English, French, and Spanish

One of the focuses of my work is Shiatsu with pregnant women. In summer 2016 I was lucky to experience the wonder of birth myself and am since then a proud and totally in love mother of a great boy.

Movement, dance and bodywork have always been integral ways for me to relax and unwind. I took my first shiatsu classes when I was at university, and since then, it’s been a part of my life.

After working in the development cooperation sector for several years, I decided to quit my old office job in 2013 and become a full-time practitioner. That was one of the best decisions in my life! In June 2013 I joined a group practice.

It’s wonderful to experience how often shiatsu is able to rebalance body and soul and increase the flow of our energies. Working with shiatsu gives me inner peace, presence, and lots of new impulses that I’m always happy to pass on.

In 2013, I began with my three-year training as a Grinberg practitioner, and since then I’ve also been giving one-on-one sessions following the Grinberg method. Learn more here.

Dirk Mayer

  • Born in 1970
  • Studies and experience as industrial sales representative
  • Extensive experience as a client of the Grinberg Method
  • private studies in awareness and perception, coaching, bodywork
  • 5 year of experience in familiy constellations
  • 10 years of experience in awareness training
  • 10 years of experience in Argentinian Tango
  • certified Pantarei practitioner
  • 4 years of experience in coaching and bodywork with clients
  • Language skills: English

When I was a child, I had a severe hip operation that extremely changed my life. Since then I am interested in how people can feel healthy and well with themselves and in their body. During many year I intensively dived into awareness of body and mind. In my freetime I like dancing tango, go for a hike or simply spend time in nature with my family.

I quit my job as industrial sales expert in 2016 in order to be self-employed in the area of bodywork. To be honest, it was a big leap in the dark. Working with so many different people makes my life today incredibly fullfilled and self-determined.

Apart from that as self-employed I have more time for my children. That makes me very happy and thankful. When I give a shiatsu treatment, an open space arises where everybody and everything is allowed to show itself in an authentic way.


A tense body can cause various aches and pains. Come and experience shiatsu, and allow your body to relax. In this way, you can help unfold your self-healing powers.

We look forward to meeting you!